Rethink Your Business Loan Options
Every small business needs financing at some time, but does your finance source look at the right things when they evaluate your application? Does making one big monthly lump sum payment, regardless of your sales cycle, work with your cash flow?At BMF New Logic your approval decision will be primarily based on the history and performance of your business. Whether your owner has fantastic or damaged personal credit - it's your business that's getting the loan and your business history that should be more important in the approval process.
In addition to business-focused underwriting, your application is evaluated in hours, rather than weeks, and your business is given choices about repayment methods and terms. This all may seem logical to you, but it's news to our competitors.
As you would expect, your BMF New Logic Business Loan has a pre-determined maturity date and set monthly repayment amounts established to reach that date. How you choose to handle each monthly obligation is another place where you'll see the BMF New Logic difference...a difference that can be summed-up in one word: Options.
Unique Approach to Business Underwriting
BMF New Logic looks at small business differently. Traditional - 'old logic' - finance companies and banks rely extensively on owners' personal credit score and personal collateral. BMF New Logic takes a holistic approach to creditworthiness. Instead of focusing on one or two factors, looking for a reason to say "no," BMF New Logic works to find a way to say "yes." BMF New Logic uses a vast database containing millions of records and state-of-the art modeling and scoring capabilities to create new ways to underwrite small businesses. BMF New Logic can approve small businesses that old logic lenders usually decline.Choose the Payment Plan That Works Best
Whether you prefer to have payments made through your card processor or to have them deducted from your bank account, BMF New Logic offers a plan that meets the needs of your business. In either case, BMF New Logic helps you avoid the burden of a large, fixed monthly payment and the strain it puts on your cash flow.We offer two payment plans, the Processor Powered Payment Plan and the Weekday Fixed Payment Plan. Both payment plans have their benefits. You choose which option better helps you manage your cash flow. Click to learn more about BMF New Logic's payment plans.
BMF New Logic Knows Small Businesses Need Some Flexibility
Even the best run businesses occasionally experience slower sales periods when cash gets tight. Part of the new logic is to know how small businesses function. So, what happens if the amount you send to BMF New Logic falls short of the total monthly payment due in a given month? BMF New Logic offers options there, too.If BMF New Logic receives at least 80% of the scheduled payments you can either take no action - or you can make a "Catch-Up" Payment for the shortfall. In either case, BMF New Logic continues receiving the processor payments or deducting the weekday payment amount from your bank account until the loan is paid in full*.
Makes sense for your business, makes sense to us - it's a new way of thinking about small business credit - it's BMF New Logic: Smart Money for Small Business.
Want to learn more? Visit our Loan Details and FAQ pages.